Objective 2b: Increase access to PAC & MA through clinics
Modified on: Mon, 9 Jan, 2017 at 12:18 PM
Table of Contents
Indicators 2b
1) Number of network providers trained in misoprostol for PAC
2) Number of network providers offering misoprostol for PAC services
3) Number of network clinics offering misoprostol for PAC services
4) Percentage of PAC trained network providers who provided PAC service using misoprostol in previous 3 months
5) Number of PAC services using misoprostol provided by network providers
6) Number of MVA equipment distributed
7) Number of network providers trained in MVA services
8) Number of network providers offering MVA services
9) Number of network clinics offering MVA services
10) Number of MVA services provided by network providers
11) Percentage of network providers trained to offer MVA services that have provided an MVA service at least once in the past 3 months
12) Percentage of PAC clients who received a FP method post-abortion from a network provider at the time of service for STM/implant and at 2 weeks post-service for IUDs
13) Percentage of clients who received a family planning method at the time of MVA service from a trained network provider
14) Percentage of women who know PAC services are legal for any reason
15) Number of network providers trained in use of MA
16) Number of network providers offering MA services
17) Number of network clinics offering MA services
18) Number of MA services provided by network providers
19) Percentage of MA clients who received a FP method post-abortion from a network provider
20) Percentage of network providers trained to offer MA services that have provided an MA service at least once in the past 3 months
21) Percentage of network providers who report a score of 4 or 5 on a 5-point Likert scale for the statement “As a medical professional, I am obliged to treat women suffering from incomplete abortion”
22) Percentage of network providers who report a score of 4 or 5 on a 5-point Likert scale for the statement “I am hesitant to provide post-abortion care because I will become known as a provider of abortion services”
Number of network providers trained in misoprostol for PAC
(Required activity in workplan)
Indicator Type
Mandatory Activity Level for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan at activity level, Tracker
# of network providers trained in misoprostol for PAC
To measure the availability of PAC services with misoprostol
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP
- Training refers to initial training provided by PSI. Does not include refresher training.
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers who were trained in misoprostol for PAC during that month. (Do not report the cumulative sum of network providers trained over the life of the project.)
Workplan: - Report number of network providers trained for both “Total Project” and “Period Achievement” at appropriate activity line on workplan
Number of network providers offering misoprostol for PAC services
Workplan: X network providers offering misoprostol for PAC services by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory (where legal)
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers offering misoprostol for PAC services
To measure the availability of comprehensive PAC services with misoprostol
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP
- “Offering” PAC service is defined as having a provider trained in misoprostol for PAC and having misoprostol commodities
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers currently offering misoprostol for PAC
Number of network clinics offering misoprostol for PAC services
Workplan: X network clinics offering misoprostol for PAC services by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory (where legal)
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network clinics offering misoprostol for PAC services
To measure the availability of comprehensive PAC services with misoprostol
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A clinic is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector clinics are considered “in network.” Public sector clinics are not part of the network under WHP.
- “Offering” PAC service is defined as having a provider trained in misoprostol for PAC and having misoprostol commodities
Tracker:- Record the number of network clinics currently offering misoprostol for PAC
Percentage of PAC trained network providers who provided PAC service using misoprostol in previous 3 months
Workplan: Increase, from X to Y, the percentage of PAC trained network providers who provided PAC services using misoprostol in the 3 months prior to the survey
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries (except Madagascar)
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers with at least one recorded PAC service using misoprostol in the 3 months prior to the survey
total # of network providers trained in PAC
To measure the availability of comprehensive PAC services
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- May include services provided with misoprostol sourced from WHP and other sources.
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers with at least one recorded PAC service using misoprostol in the 3 months prior to the survey on a quarterly basis.
- Record the number and percentage of PAC trained network providers who provided PAC services using misoprostol in the 3 months prior to the survey (or using MIS data).
Number of PAC services using misoprostol provided by network providers
Workplan: X PAC services using misoprostol provided by network providers by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of PAC services using misoprostol provided by network providers
To measure the availability of comprehensive PAC services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- May include services provided with misoprostol sourced from WHP and other sources.
Data to be Collected:
- At the country level, data must be collected on the number of each type PAC service provided by network providers including MVA, D&C, EVA, misoprostol, counseling or referral. Only MVA and misoprostol will be reported to the donor.
- All information should be collected on the same data collection form.
- Record the number of PAC services using misoprostol provided by network providers in the appropriate row each month
- Record the total number of PAC services (any type) in the appropriate row
Number of MVA equipment distributed
Workplan: X MVA equipment distributed by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of MVA equipment sold and distributed for free
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- MVA equipment includes: syringe and cannulae.
- Initial MVA equipment can be provided free to participants following both public and private sector training.
- Subsequent MVA equipment should be purchased, preferably at cost, but can also be subsidized.
Tracker:- Record the number of MVA equipment distributed for free and sold on separate rows.
Workplan:Report the number of MVA equipment distributed (free + sold) under both “Total Project” and “Period Achievement” at appropriate activity line on workplan
Number of network providers trained in MVA services
Workplan: X network providers trained in MVA services
Indicator Type
Mandatory Activity Level for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers trained in MVA services
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- “Trained” refers to providers who have completed classroom training provided by PSI. Does not include refresher training.
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers who were trained in MVA services during that month. (Do not report the cumulative sum of network providers trained in MVA services over the life of the project.)
Workplan: - Report number of network providers trained in MVA services for both “Total Project” and “Period Achievement” at appropriate activity line on workplan
Number of network providers offering MVA services
Workplan: X network providers who offer MVA services
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers offering MVA services
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- A network provider is considered to “offer” MVA services if provider has completed classroom training by PSI in MVA services, has MVA equipment in stock, receives supportive supervision from PSI, and is still in the network.
Tracker:- Record the total number of network providers currently offering MVA services.
Workplan: - Report the number of network providers who were offering MVA services in the last month of the reporting period.
Number of network clinics offering MVA services
Workplan: X network clinics offer MVA services
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network clinics offering MVA services
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A clinic is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- A network clinic is considered to offer MVA services is there is at least one MVA trained provider employed at the clinic who receives supportive supervision visits from PSI and MVA equipment is in stock
Tracker:- Record the total number of network clinics currently offering MVA services.
- Report the number of network clinics who were offering MVA services in the last month of the reporting period.
Number of MVA services provided by network providers
Workplan: X MVA services provided by network providers
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of MVA services for PAC provided by network providers # of MVA services for abortion provided by network providers
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Countable MVA services are those performed by network providers who have received initial or follow-up training from PSI and who have been deemed competent to perform MVA services as well as:
MVA services performed by network providers under the direct supervision of PSI, as part of determination towards competencyMVA services performed by network providers during clinical practicum with a trainer, when provided to live clients (i.e., not pelvic models). For more information, please refer to Attachment H, “Requirements for MVA Procedures to be counted towards WHP Deliverables” Data to be collected:
- At the country level, data must be collected on the number of each type PAC service provided by network providers including MVA, D&C, EVA, misoprostol, counseling or referral. Only MVA and misoprostol will be reported to the donor.
- At the country level, data must be collected on post-PAC family planning and the method received. All information should be collected on the same data collection form.
Tracker:- Record the number of MVA services for PAC and the number of MVA services for abortion provided in the month when data were collected
Percentage of network providers trained to offer MVA services that have provided an MVA service at least once in the past 3 months
Workplan: Increase, from X to Y, the percentage of network providers trained to offer MVA services that have provided an MVA service at least once in the past 3 months
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers trained to offer MVA services that have provided MVA service at least once in last 3 months
Total number of network providers trained to offer MVA services
To measure availability of MVA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- A provider is considered “trained to offer MVA services” if they have completed MVA classroom training provided by PSI, as measured in Indicator 2b-7.
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers with at least one recorded MVA service in the 3 months prior on a quarterly basis.
- Record the number and calculated percentage of network providers trained to offer MVA services that have provided MVA service at least once in the last three months of the reporting period.
Percentage of PAC clients who received a family planning method post-abortion from network provider at the time of service for STM/implant and at 2 weeks post-service for IUDs
- Increase, from X to Y, percentage of post-abortion care clients who received a family planning method after PAC service from a network provider at the time of service for STM/implant and at 2 weeks post-service for IUDs
- Percentage of clients who received an IUD within two weeks after PAC service from a trained network provider
- Percentage of clients who received an implant at time of PAC service from a trained network provider
- Percentage of clients who received a STM at time of PAC service from a trained network provider
Indicator Type
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of clients receiving FP after PAC service from network providers
total # of PAC clients
To assess the availability of comprehensive PAC and family planning best practices
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- PAC service includes counseling, referral, MVA, EVA, and/or misoprostol
- Family planning method includes ANY modern FP method
- STMs and implants must be received at the time of PAC service from the same network provider who delivered the PAC service. IUDs must be inserted within 2 weeks post service.
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Services will be used as a proxy for clients.
- May include services provided with FP commodities purchased with WHP funds and from other sources.
- Record the total number of PAC services (any type) by network providers
- Record number of PAC services (any type) followed by ANY family planning method from network providers
- Record number of PAC services with misoprostol followed by ANY family planning method by network providers
- Record number of PAC services with misoprostol followed by an IUD within two weeks by network providers
- Record number of PAC services with misoprostol followed by an implant at time of service by network providers
- Record number of PAC services with misoprostol followed by a short term method at time of service by network providers
- Report the percentage of post-abortion care clients who received a family planning method after PAC service from a network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received an IUD within two weeks after PAC service from a trained network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received an implant at time of PAC service from a trained network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received a STM at time of PAC service from a trained network provider
Percentage of clients who received a family planning method at the time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Increase, from X to 70%, the percentage of clients who receive a FP method at the time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Percentage of clients who received an IUD at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Percentage of clients who received an implant at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Percentage of clients who received a STM at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
Indicator Type
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of clients receiving FP at the time of MVA service from trained network provider
total # of MVA clients
To assess the availability of comprehensive PAC and family planning best practices
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- Data will be collected and reported to the donor on the methods chosen.
- The projection of 70% of women accepting an FP method post-MVA may be revised for each country once countries have experience and information about post-abortion family planning uptake.
- May include services provided with FP commodities purchased with WHP funds and from other sources.
- Family planning method includes ANY modern FP method
- Method must be received at the time of MVA service from the same network provider who delivered the MVA service.
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Services will be used as a proxy for clients.
- Record the number of PAC services with MVA followed by ANY family planning method from network providers
- Record the number of followed by an IUD from network provider
- Record the number of PAC services with MVA followed by an implant from network provider
- Record the number of PAC services with MVA followed by a short term method from network provider
- Report the percentage of MVA clients who received a family planning method after MVA service from a network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received an IUD at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received an implant at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
- Report the percentage of clients who received a STM at time of MVA service from a trained network provider
Percentage of women who know PAC services are legal for any reason
(Not in workplan, internal only – not reported to donor)
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
Tracker only
# of woman surveyed who know PAC services are legal for any reason
total # of women surveyed
To measure consumer knowledge about PAC services.
Data Source
Facility based survey of WRA (i.e. Client exit interview)
Data Collection Frequency
Twice during project period
Method of measurement:
- Client exit survey of WRA population.
- Client exit surveys should be conducted at network clinics.
Guidance:- Countries are encouraged to add additional indicators to measure client perceptions but must include this mandatory indicator.
Number of network providers trained in use of MA
(Required activity in workplan)
Indicator Type
Mandatory Activity Level for MA countries (If not legally permitted, propose another indicator)
Where Reported
Workplan at activity level, Tracker
# of network providers trained in MA
To measure MA availability
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Training refers to initial training provided by PSI. Does not include refresher training.
Tracker:- Report number of network providers who were trained in MA during that month. (Do not report the cumulative sum of providers trained in MA over the life of the project.)
- Report number of network providers trained at appropriate activity line on workplan under both “Total Project” and “Period Achievement”
Number of network providers offering MA services
Workplan: X network providers offering MA services by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory for MA countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of providers in the network offering MA services
To measure MA availability
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- “Offering” MA service is defined as having a provider trained in MA and having MA commodities (misoprostol/mifepristone).
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers currently offering MA.
Workplan: - Report the number of network providers who were offering MA in the last month of the reporting period.
Number of network clinics offering MA
Workplan: X network clinics offering MA services by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory for MA countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of clinics in the network offering MA services
To measure MA availability
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
Monthly if possible
- A clinic is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector clinics are considered “in network.” Public sector clinics are not part of the network under WHP.
- “Offering” MA service is defined as having a provider trained in MA and having MA commodities (misoprostol/mifepristone).
Tracker:- Record the number of network clinics currently offering MA.
Workplan: - Report the number of network clinics who were offering MA in the last month of the reporting period.
Number of MA services provided by network providers
Workplan: X MA services provided by network providers by Dec. 2018
Indicator Type
Mandatory for MA countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of MA services provided by network providers
To measure the availability of comprehensive MA services
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- May include services provided with MA purchased with WHP funds and other sources.
Tracker:- Record the number of MA services provided by network providers in the appropriate row each month
Percentage of MA clients who received a family planning method post-abortion from a network provider
- Increase, from X to Y, percentage of medical abortion clients who received a family planning method after the MA service from a network provider
- Percentage of MA clients who received a STM post-abortion from a trained network provider at the time of service
- Percentage of MA clients who received an implant post-abortion from a trained network provider at the time of service
- Percentage of MA clients who received an IUD post-abortion from a trained network provider 2 weeks post-service
Indicator Type
Mandatory for MA countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of clients who received a FP method after MA service provided by network provider
total # of MA clients
To assess the availability of comprehensive PAC and family planning best practices
Data Source
Data Collection Frequency
- MA service defined as misoprostol/mifepristone provided for abortion
- Family planning method includes ANY modern FP method
- Short term methods and implants must be received at the time of abortion service. IUDs must be inserted within 2 weeks post-service.
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- In the absence of client records, services can be used as a proxy for clients.
- May include services provided with FP commodities purchased with WHP funds and from other sources.
- Record the number of clients who received ANY family planning method from network providers after MA service
- Record the number of clients who received an IUD within two weeks from network providers after MA service
- Record the number of clients who received an implant at the time of MA service from network providers
- Record the number of clients who received a short term method at the time of MA service from network providers
- Record the percentage of clients who received ANY family planning method from network providers after MA service
- Record the percentage of clients who received an IUD within 2 weeks from network providers after MA service
- Record the percentage of clients who received an implant at the time of MA service from network providers
- Record the percentage of clients who received a short term method at the time of MA service from network providers
Percentage of network providers trained to offer MA services that have provided an MA service at least once in the past 3 months
Workplan: Increase, from X to Y, the percentage of network providers trained to offer MA services that have provided an MA service at least once in the past 3 months
Indicator Type
Mandatory for MA countries
Where Reported
Workplan, Tracker
# of network providers trained to offer MA services that have provided MA service at least once in last 3 months
Total number of network providers trained to offer MA services
To measure availability of MA services
Data Source
MIS or provider survey
Data Collection Frequency
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010”, Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- A provider is considered “trained to offer MA services” if they have completed MA training provided by PSI as measured in Indicator 2b-15.
- May include services provided with MA commodities purchased with WHP funds and from other sources.
Tracker:- Record the number of network providers with at least one recorded MA service in the 3 months prior to the survey on a quarterly basis.
- Record the calculated percentage of network providers trained to offer MA services that have provided MA service at least once in the last three months of the reporting period.
Percentage of network providers who report a score of 4 or 5 on a 5-point Likert scale for the statement “As a medical professional, I am obliged to treat women suffering from incomplete abortion”
(Not in workplan, internal only – not reported to donor)
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
# of network providers reporting 4 or 5 on 5-point scale for the statement
total # of network providers qualified to provide PAC services
To measure provider attitudes on PAC
Data Source
Provider longitudinal survey
Data Collection Frequency
Twice during project period
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Countries should survey the same providers at baseline and endline, but can oversample to get cross-sectional estimates, and account for provider attrition.
Further information on method of measurement:- Countries are encouraged to add additional questions to measure provider attitudes and perceptions, etc. but must include this mandatory indicator.
Percentage of network providers who report a score of 4 or 5 on a 5-point Likert scale for the statement “I am hesitant to provide post-abortion care because I will become known as a provider of abortion services”
(Not in workplan, internal only – not reported to donor)
Indicator Type
Mandatory for PAC countries
Where Reported
# of network providers reporting 4 or 5 on 5-point scale for the statement
total # of network providers qualified to provide PAC services
To measure provider attitudes on PAC
Data Source
Provider longitudinal survey
Data Collection Frequency
Twice during project period
- A provider is considered part of the network if they meet the requirements set forth in the “Health Impact Credit Policy for IUDs and Implants, RH Department, May 2010,” Attachment A.
- For WHP, only private sector providers are considered “in network.” Public sector providers are not part of the network under WHP.
- Countries should survey the same providers at baseline and endline, but can oversample to get cross-sectional estimates, and account for provider attrition.
Further information on method of measurement:- Countries are encouraged to add additional questions to measure provider attitudes and perceptions, etc. but must include this mandatory indicator.
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