1. Open the Event Report and generate the report you want to download.
2. When you are ready to download:
- Click on the three vertical dots on your browser menu bar (assuming you are using google chrome)
- Choose More Tools, then select Developer tools
- Alternatively, you can the keyboard shortcuts Control + Shift + I Buttons to open the developer console
3. You should see such a screen:
4. Click on >> button and choose network:
5. You should see such a screen:
6. NOW download your event report as excel.
7. Check for the download link generated in the network tab. It should be the first one on the list, ending with .xls
8. Click on the download link, and copy the RequestURL on the header section:
9. Paste the link in MS word or a text editor:
For example
10. Change the last bit that starts with &paging=false to this &paging=true&pageSize=1000
NOTE: This will download the first 1000 rows, if you need more rows, please increase the pageSize e.g 2000 will download 2000 rows. Do not exceed 5000 rows/download
For example, in my case it would be:
11. Copy the link, open a new tab, and paste it on the search pane, click enter to download the file
12. Well done if you got here! You should now see the downloaded data.