Nigeria A360 – Creating & Mapping Clinics in DHIS2: a step-by-step mini guide 

Version 1, April 2019 

  1. Go to the Organisation Unit menu, and locate the “parent” org unit of the clinic that needs to be added: this is the ward in which the clinic is located.  

If the ward cannot be found within the LGA, then it is likely that it does not exist yet in DHIS2 and thus needs to be created first. To create the ward, follow the same steps as for the clinic creation, but select the LGA as the parent org unit. 

2. After the ward is selected (should be highlighted in orange, as in example above: Birnin Yero ward in Igabi LGA, Kadunda State), click the blue + button to open the form for adding a new org unit. 


3. Fill out the form as per the example below, with the following fields being mandatory: 


a.    Name: this is the full name of the clinic including the unique code in parenthesis (= code within DHIS2), e.g. “Salaam Clinic


b.   Short Name: this is the name only, e.g. “Salaam Clinic” 

c.   Code: this is the unique code within DHIS2 as assigned to Nigeria A360 clinics. The structure is “NG_A360_” & [sequential

number 001-999], for example “NG_A360_041”. The next clinic will be NG_A360_042, etc. 

Note that this code must be unique. Always include the country prefix (NG), but note that this is not repeated within the full name of the clinic. 

d.   Opening date: select the first day of the month in which the clinic joined the A360 network.  

 Note: Closed Date should remain empty.

e.  The next few fields can be left blank, though if contact person, address, phone number etc. are available then these may be               entered here.  

If GPS coordinates are available, then enter these here. Make sure that the format is decimal degrees (e.g. Lat = 10.82274, Long = 7.574848); only enter numbers. If no GPS coordinates exist but it’s possible to retrieve these from Google Maps, refer to Step 5 below to follow procedure to retrieve Lat/Long values.

f.    Scroll down to “Programs” in the form: here you must assign the data entry forms (Programs) to the new clinic in order to

enable data capture. Scroll through or filter for “NG RH” to see the relevant programs. All clinics should had the Attendance and Service Log program, and 9ja Girls clinics should also have the 9ja Girls Mobilisation Daily Summary program. Select the appropriate program(s) and click orange -> button.  

g.   The program(s) should now appear on the right hand side: 

h.   Scroll down to the end of the form (all other fields should be ignored), and click Save button: 


It will take several seconds or even up to a minute, but upon saving the org unit tree refreshes and should display as in the example below, with “Success” message at bottom of screen. You will see the new clinic listed under the ward in which it was created.  

You can edit properties of the org unit by clicking the Edit button next to the org unit 

Down the complete guide below