HNQIS System Admin in DHIS2

The objective of this document is to give an overview of key topics for HNQIS configuration, support and troubleshooting in DHIS2 for HNQIS agents in the Helpdesk.


Checklist configuration process. 1

HNQIS configuration in DHIS2. 1

HNQIS Users. 4


HNQIS servers 4

HNQIS demo log-in accounts 5

HNQIS app and language. 5

System Parameter Setting. 5

CSAs responsibilities. 6

Checklist configuration process

  • Linda is the focal point for checklist development and changes. She uses a standard template in gSheet, then sent it over through the helpdesk where BAO makes the configuration. Focal points for BAO trained on how to configure HNQIS: Esunly, Germine, Muhammed
  • During the configuration BAO creates the HNQIS Programs in DHIS2, all the DEs associated to the Programs, activate OUs on the Programs, create the 2 HNQIS Admin and Basic User groups and set up a demo account
  • After 3-4 weeks, BAO comes back with the configuration and the demo account to test. Demo accounts are active for _Test OUs and their log-in credentials are usually like NPdemo1;Nepaldemo1

HNQIS configuration in DHIS2

  • HNQIS Health Area = DHIS2 Program
    • There are 13 standard Health Areas for HNQIS and all of them have their naming convention. Important to stick to them, especially for Fixed DEs and Fixed Indicators working fine (see Understanding HNQIS Analytics in DHIS2 from the HNQIS Data-User manual), ie. FP Counseling for Continuation = FP CFC, so an HNQIS country will have a FP Counseling for Continuation named as KE HNQIS FP CFC, ET HNQIS FP CFC, etc
    • Some countries request their own non-standard Health Areas like PBCC, IPC, Stock mngt, DQ, etc. In these cases, we do not have a naming convention or Fixed DEs and Indicators for non-standard Health Areas
    • Program attribute PRG Program Type must be HNQIS or the HNQIS app won’t recognize that Program as an HNQIS Program
    • Program attribute Prd position is what defines the Productivity value position in the OU attribute OUProductivityValues. ie. in case a HNQIS Program has a Program attribute Prd position of 3, it means that that Health Area is the position #3 of the OU attribute OUProductivityValues
  • Answer options = Option set
    • 99% of HNQIS questions have Yes1No0 as Answer options
    • The remaining questions are InvYesNo, RealSimulated and other ad hoc options (ie. drop-down list, number, short text, date)
  • Branching logic
    • HNQIS accommodates branching logic up to 4 levels from parents to grand-grand children
    • Parent question is reported in the DE attribute 38 Question Parents and the Answer option that opens a child question is the DE attribute 39 Question Parent Options
    • This is to indicate which parent question the question opens to and in case of which answer, whether Yes or No:
      • 38 Question parents: UID(s) of the parent(s) questions that expand the current question. In case of multiple parent questions, UIDs must be separated by the character “,”. ie. CUTLiAKPjBJ,rP8xzKKqH4W
      • 39 Parent Question Options: UID(s) of the option(s) from parent questions that expand the current question. In case of multiple options, they will be separated by character “,”. In case of multiple parents and multiple options, options from different parent will be separated by the character “;”. ie. kkOywHQwQWE;kkOywHQwQWE,yVUHqeMvBJZ
  • Scores
    • HNQIS questions accommodate scores. The scores contribute to the Composite scores (section scores) and to the overall QA score
    • Scores in DHIS2 are reported as DE attributes 30 Num w. and 31 Den w. Usually, the Num and the Den are the same score and what goes in the final Num is the Answer option * Score, while what goes in the final Den is the correct Answer option * Score
    • The way the Composite scores and the overall QA score are calculated is the sum of all scores associated to each question multiplied by each Answer options. Example: a question has a score of 2 and its Answer option is Yes1No0:
      • In case of Yes answer, the score is 2 * 1 = 2
      • In case of No answer, the score is 2 * 0 = 0
    • The overall QA score does not take into account the different weights of each section, but it’s the sum of all scores from all questions multiplied by their Answer options
    • All scores are coded in the system as 0CS – zero Composite Scores
    • A section is composed of a certain number of questions which contribute to the Composite score of that section
    • The DE attribute 35 Compositive Score is what defines the Composite score meaning which Composite score that question will contribute to
    • Please, note that the Feedback in the app will pop up only if the question has the DE attribute 35 Compositive score filled in
  • Feedback content
    • It can be text, video or image
    • For text, it is the DE attribute Description
    • For video or image, it is the DE attribute 36 Image URL and 37 Video URL: here is where you have the google drive document ID associated with the relevant multimedia content as per google Drive folder (link below). Multiple items can be referred, separated by “#” (
  • Question order
    • DE attribute 21 Question Order reports the order of the question in its section. ie. question order 170 means that is the question number 7 of the first section. In case there is a new question added by the team after this one, you can have the question order as 171 – before the next question which has been configured originally as 180
  • Critical steps
    • HNQIS reports critical steps with a red asterisk. Critical steps are mandatory DEs and they can be marked as mandatory from Program -> Assign DEs -> Compulsory
  • Tabs
    • DHIS2 sections are tabs in the app
    • You can manage sections from Program -> Create data entry form -> Section
    • Each tab/section also has a Composite score
  • Access
    • All HNQIS countries have 2 User groups: HNQIS Admin and HNQIS Basic. For the Programs and for all sections of a Program, they are given the following rights:
    • HNQIS Admin:
      • Metadata: can edit and view
      • Data: can capture and view
    • HNQIS Basic:
      • Metadata: can view only
      • Data: can capture and view
    • No public access
  • OUs
    • All HNQIS Programs need to be active on the relevant OUs as per country request
  • HNQIS Blueprint
  • Changes
    • Small changes can be made directly from DHIS2 UI. However, it’s super important to coordinate with HNQIS users about upcoming changes to existing DEs and ask them to:
      • Send all unsent surveys from the app to DHIS2 before making any change to the DEs (how to make sure all surveys have been sent from the app to DHIS2: ask the users to go to the Improve module and make sure there is no asterisk before any survey)
      • Refresh metadata once edits are made in DHIS2 (how to refresh metadata from the app: ask the users to click on the 3 vertical dots in the right upper corner of the app and select refresh metadata)
    • In case the change is the addition of a new DE, there is no need for HNQIS users to send unsent surveys. Just coordinate with them in order to refresh metadata once the addition of the DE is done


  • For entering data with HNQIS, HNQIS users MUST have a DHIS2 account for HNQIS data entry, only! This is because if a user has access to other Programs which are not HNQIS Programs, the app won’t recognize them and it will crash
    • User roles:
      • [country] HNQIS User role (ie. ET HNQIS) and _User – Data Entry Tracker
      • _Analytics – Services (all modules) and _App – Browser cache cleaner in case you want them to access HNQIS data from the DHIS2 dashboard
      • _App - HNQIS
    • User groups:
      • [country] – HNQIS Basic (ie. ET – HNQIS Basic)
    • OUs:
      • HNQIS users must be assigned to the OUs they want to enter data from
  • User attribute 42 User Announcement is used to communicate with HNQIS users and it reports a script that pops up on the HNQIS app screen when users log in


  • All OUs which are active for HNQIS have their OU attribute OUProductivityValues filled in. The OU attribute OUProductivityValues reports a string of 9’s and 0’s as per the System Parameter Setting and indicates whether that OU is in High or Low Prd group for the position represented by each Health Area in the string
  • In case of missing Prd values, by default the OU is in the Low Prd group

HNQIS servers

    • It is the main server for all HNQIS configurations
    • NG server in 2.25, no longer active. Data migration currently ongoing to the data server (Feb 2019) for all past assessments conducted with HNQIS
    • ZW MoH server in 2.30 for VMMC assessments at public HFs
    • MM server in 2.25, currently undergoing an upgrade to 2.30 in a production environment (Feb 2019)
    • IMPACT Malaria server in 2.30 for Malaria assessments at public HFs
    • AO MoH server in 2.30 for Malaria and IMCI assessments at public HFs
    • ZA server in 2.30 because ZA doesn’t allow to store their HMIS data outside of ZA
  • Some HNQIS features are server-dependent meaning that the moment that the users log into HNQIS, some features populate according to the server the user has selected:
    • Prioritization matrix of the Plan module
    • Logo and name in the upper left corner
    • Logo in the loading page after logging in

HNQIS demo log-in accounts

  • The demo log-in accounts, regardless of the server, are usually as follows:
    • Username: [country ISO code]demo1
    • Pw: [country in EN]demo1
    • Examples: NPdemo1;Nepaldemo1 ETdemo1;Ethiopiademo1 KHdemo1;Cambodiademo1

HNQIS app and language

  • The current version of the HNQIS app is 1.4.2 (Feb 2019) and it works with DHIS2 instances in 2.30 and above
  • Currently, the HNQIS app supports EN, FR, ES, PT, LA, KH and MY. This means that all prompts in the app will be translated in one of these languages as long as the users select the language from their Android device settings
  • POEditor is the software we use for managing language and it’s up to the CSAs to translate all the prompts into their local language. In case a country wants prompts in their local language, liaise them with Ignacio Foche at to give them access to POEditor for HNQIS
  • In case a country wants HNQIS retrieving in their local language, the DE attributes Form name, Tab Name, Header and Description are in their local language

System Parameter Setting

  • Document used to configure the Productivity values for each pair of Health Area / OU
  • Template here:
  • For each OU and each Health Area, countries report the average number of clients assessing the Health Area service at that OU. The document produces a final Prd String
    • Each HNQIS Program has an attribute called PRG Productivity Position. This is the position of the HNQIS Health Area into the Prd value string for each OU. ie.: the Program LA HNQIS Malaria Program has a PRG Productivity Position = 1 because the Malaria program is the first Program of the OU attribute of the Prd value string of each OU for HNQIS. The PRG Productivity Position is what is reported in the first tab of the System parameter setting document
    • Each OU active for the HNQIS Programs want their attribute OU ProductivityValues filled in. This is where we have the Prd string in the second tab of the System Parameter Setting doc
  • Once the System Parameter Setting is filled in, BAO does:
    • Update the Program attributes PRG Productivity Position for all HNQIS programs of a country based on the value reported in the first tab (1, 2, 3, 4, etc)
    • Update the OU attributes OU ProductivityValues for all the OUs active for HNQIS of a country based on the value reported under the column OU ProductivityValues in the second tab (900900090, etc)

CSAs responsibilities

  • Local CSAs are responsible for:
    • Setting up HNQIS users
    • Maintaining HNQIS Programs active to relevant OUs
  • Reference doc: HNQIS System Admin Manual (updated based on 2.30 in the Helpdesk, too)