At PSI we have varios servers beside the main production environment. 

Global Servers 

ServerPurpose Access
data.psi-mis.orgProduction database. Analytics updated at 15:00 and 23:00AllDatabase runs on a separate box
clone.psi-mis.orgTroubleshooting of reported bugs/ problems. Testing of metadata & data imports.Only accounts present in user group xxxxProd clonned at 23:00 UTC
replica.psi-mis.orgDatabase only, for selected tables. Used by sub-systems - no direct user access.NONE
stage.psi-mis.orgTesting of DHIS2 build candidates
Limited availability - runs only while testing new builds
archive.psi-mis.orgDatasets and programs moved out productionLimited
new.psi-mis.orgTemporary server for 2.33 upgrade
Temporary server for 2.33 upgrade.

Other Servers


dev.psi-mis.orgNew prototyping environment (Feb 2020)Limited. New account setup required
sandbox.psi-mis.orgLegacy prototyping environment. TO BE RETIRED BY JULY 2020LimitedPlanned for decomissioning on Jul 2020
train.psi-mis.orgUse for advance training (Programs and Limited

Regional Servers

asia.psi-mis.orgServer for programs in Asia

myanmar.psi-mis.orgProduction Myanmar

myanmar-dev.psi-mis.orgPrototyping Myanmar