The Integrated Case Management (ICM) module in the Health Services Report will capture ICM health service delivery on a monthly basis. Data should be reported for children under the age of five years. All service data will be disaggregated by channel: Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision. For franchise facilities and service delivery partners, only services that meet PSI’s criteria for service delivery through partners can be reported. Product data will further be disaggregated by product source (PSI product, non-PSI product and product source unknown). For detailed definitions of these channels and product sources, please see the common data elements definition page.


Why collect these data?

The ICM module collects service data related to the management of diarrhea, pneumonia and acute malnutrition in children under the age of five years (data for malaria should be inputted in the malaria module). This data is useful for a variety of programmatic and reporting applications:

Internally , these data will provide important trend data on service delivery at the global level. Programmatic trends help to identify both challenges and successes; areas that need greater attention and support as well as opportunities for platform-to-platform assistance. These data are also key inputs for proposals, further ensuring ICM program strengthening through new funding.

Externally , these data will allow PSI to leverage its network to contribute to global discussions about ICM service delivery and policy agenda, particularly in the private sector. These programmatic data, aggregated across all PSI ICM programs, can provide critical information about service delivery models that successfully contribute to international and national health goals.

Impact Estimation ( e.g. DALYs averted, deaths averted): In each table, we have noted where data will be used to estimate impact.

The table below outlines the module’s Sections, tables and their corresponding data elements.

Section 1: Integrated Case Management

Data elements

Table 1: Integrated case management services by channel
Children under 5 screened for acute malnutrition

Children under 5 receiving treatment for moderate acute

Children under 5 completing  treatment for severe acute malnutrition

Children under 5 treated with ORS after diarrhea diagnosis

Children under 5 treated with zinc after diarrhea diagnosis

Children under 5 treated with DTK after diarrhea diagnosis

Children under 5 treated with antibiotics according to national guidelines after pneumonia diagnosis

Data element:
Children under five screened for acute malnutrition by service delivery channel
This data element records the number of children under five who were screened for acute malnutrition.
Precise Definitions:
Screening for acute malnutrition in children entails assessment of the mid-upper arm circumference and/or weight-for-height/weight-for-length assessments and examination for bilateral pitting edema; in the absence of anthropometric measures, assessment for visible severe wasting (WHO).
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:
Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)
For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into acute malnutrition management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly.

Data element:
Children under five with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) who received treatment for MAM by service delivery channel
This data element records the number of children under five diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) who received treatment for MAM.
Precise Definitions:
Moderate acute malnutrition in children is defined as a weight-for-height between -3 and -2 Z-scores of the of the WHO Child Growth Standards median, without edema (WHO).

Treatment for MAM includes nutrition dietary counselling for the use of quality, locally available, dietary diverse foods and/or supplemental feeding (the provision of specially formulated foods in ready-to-eat or milled form which are modified in their energy density, protein, fat or micronutrient composition to help meet the nutritional requirements of specific populations) (CMAM Forum).

** When you begin reporting, please inform Program Analytics of specifications of the type of treatment provided so that a DALYs averted model can be developed for health impact.   
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:

Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)

For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into acute malnutrition management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly.

Data element:
Children under five with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who completed treatment for SAM by service delivery channel
This data element records the number of children under five with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who completed treatment for SAM.
Precise Definitions:
"Completed treatment for SAM " refers to children with uncomplicated SAM who received RUTF and recommended antibiotics for a specified period of time and met the discharged cured/recovered criteria for the program.

PSI uses the Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) approach for the treatment of SAM. The CMAM kit includes Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) provided on a weekly basis by trained CHWs for approximately 4-6 weeks, a short course of antibiotics, as recommended by national policy and IEC materials for mothers and caregivers to provide clear instructions for using RUTF and for administering the correct and complete dose of antibiotics (KIX).

Severe acute malnutrition in children is defined by a very low weight for height (below -3z scores of the median WHO growth standards), by visible severe wasting, or by the presence of nutritional edema (WHO). Treatment for uncomplicated SAM includes provision of Ready to Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTF) among other interventions in an out-patient setting.
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:
Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)
For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into acute malnutrition management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly. It is also used to estimate impact e.g. DALYs averted.

Data element:
Children under five diagnosed with diarrhea treated with ORS by service delivery channel and product source
This data element records the number of children under five diagnosed with diarrhea who received oral rehydration salts (ORS).
Precise Definitions:

ORS is composed of sodium, glucose, potassium and a citrate or acetate base. It comes in a powder form in a single sachet which needs to be mixed with 1 liter of water.

Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. Diarrhea is defined as the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual (WHO). The most severe threat posed by diarrhoea is dehydration due to the loss of water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate) through liquid stools. Death can follow severe dehydration if body fluids and electrolytes are not replenished, either through the use of oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution, or through an intravenous drip.
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:
Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)
Product source (PSI product, non-PSI product and product source unknown)
For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into diarrhea management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly. It is also used to estimate impact e.g. DALYs averted. Data reported in the Product Source Unknown category will not be counted for health impact.

Data element:
Children under five diagnosed with diarrhea treated with zinc by service delivery channel and product source
This data element records the number of children under five diagnosed with diarrhea who received zinc.
Precise Definitions:

Zinc supplements given during an episode of acute diarrhoea have been found to reduce the duration and severity of the episode and to lower the incidence of diarrhea in the following 2-3 months when given for 10 to 14 days along with ORS.

Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. Diarrhea is defined as the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual (WHO). The most severe threat posed by diarrhoea is dehydration due to the loss of water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate) through liquid stools. Death can follow severe dehydration if body fluids and electrolytes are not replenished, either through the use of oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution, or through an intravenous drip.
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:

Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)
Product source (PSI product, non-PSI product and product source unknown)

For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into diarrhea management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly. It is also used to estimate impact e.g. DALYs averted. Data reported in the Product Source Unknown category will not be counted for health impact.

Data element:
Children under five diagnosed with diarrhea treated with DTK by service delivery channel and product source
This data element records the number of children under five diagnosed with diarrhea who received diarrhea treatment kits.
Precise Definitions:

A diarrhea treatment kit is a pre-packaged combination of two ORS sachets and 10 dispersible zinc tablets.

Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old. Diarrhea is defined as the passage of 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than is normal for the individual (WHO). The most severe threat posed by diarrhoea is dehydration due to the loss of water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate) through liquid stools. Death can follow severe dehydration if body fluids and electrolytes are not replenished, either through the use of oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution, or through an intravenous drip. ORS is composed of sodium, glucose, potassium and a citrate or acetate base.  It comes in a powder form in a single sachet which needs to be mixed with 1 liter of water. Zinc supplements given during an episode of acute diarrhoea have been found to reduce the duration and severity of the episode and to lower the incidence of diarrhea in the following 2-3 months when given for 10 to 14 days.
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:

Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)

Product source (PSI product, non-PSI product and product source unknown)

For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into diarrhea management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly. It is also used to estimate impact e.g. DALYs averted. Data reported in the Product Source Unknown category will not be counted for health impact.

Data element:
Children under five treated with antibiotics according to the national guidelines for pneumonia treatment by service delivery channel and product source
This data element records the number of children under five diagnosed with pneumonia who received antibiotics according to the national guidelines for pneumonia treatment.
Precise Definitions:
Pneumonia in children under 5 years is characterized by a cough and/or difficult breathing, with or without fever, and the presence of either fast breathing or lower chest wall indrawing where their chest moves in or retracts during inhalation. WHO recommends treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics, preferably amoxicillin dispersible tablets.
Unit of Measure:
Number of children under five years old
Disaggregated by:
Service delivery channel (Franchise Facilities, Service Delivery Partners, and PSI Direct Service Provision)
Product source (PSI product, non-PSI product and product source unknown)
For common data element definitions see common data elements definition page.
Justification/Management Utility:
This information will provide insight into pneumonia management and trends over time and help programs plan and provide adequate services accordingly. It is also used to estimate impact e.g. DALYs averted. Data reported in the Product Source Unknown category will not be counted for health impact.