If you are familiar with Excel, you are probably already aware of the term Pivoting, the ability to summarize data in multiple dimensions on a table. This is the same concept applied in the Pivot Table App and the Event Report App in DHIS2. 

In this guide, I will show you how to create Pivots and Event Reports in DHIS2. 

First to mention there is a key difference between these two Apps, and they both their have own use cases, see when to use a Pivot Table App or an Event Report App.

Creating a Pivot Table Report

Search for, and click to open the Pivot Table App from the DHIS2 Apps search bar. 

Select a data type and choose the data to summarize, there are several options; 

Indicators - the default option, opens up a list of all the indicator groups and the available indicators.

  • Data elements - will open a list of all data element groups and the available data elements.

  • Data sets - to open a list of data set reports and the available source data elements.

  • Event data items - will open a list of all programs and their available data points.

  • Program Indicators - opens up a list of programs and their available indicators. 

Click on the update button to generate the first draft of the report. By default, a table with such a layout is generated. 

Next, we will change the default period and the organization unit. 

Open the period dimension and select a period to update the report. Notice there are two types of periods; Fixed & Relative periods. You can choose one or a combination of both, remember to uncheck the default period, last 12 months, and click on the update button to update the report.

Open the organization unit tab, select your organization units, and click on the update button.

Displaying column totals 

To display totals, click on the options tab to display the table options dialog box. Under the data option, choose show column totals and click on the update button. 

Adjusting the table layouts.

And just like excel pivots, you can change the table layout. This is achieved by making adjustments to the report filter and the row or column dimensions on the table layouts. 

For example to display the table in such a layout, 

Click on the Layout button to open the table layout dialog box. Drag and drop the data option to the row dimension and the periods to the column dimension. Click on the update button.


Creating an Event Report