Service Delivery Channels
Franchise facilities External providers operating out of their own facilities (may be private, public, or NGO) on an on-going basis (may be via regular clinic hours or specified days or hours when the service is offered -- either way, consumers have on-going access to the service via this channel). 

A PSI social franchise encompasses a network of health practitioners linked through contractual agreements to provide socially beneficial services of a specified quality under a common brand. In order to be considered a PSI social franchise, the following criteria must be met:
  1. Outlets are 'owner-operated' (1)
  2. Payments to outlets are primarily based on services provided (2)
  3. Services are standardized (e.g follow standard operating procedures meeting PSI quality standards). 
  4. Clinical services are offered, with or without franchise-branded commodities (3,4)
  5. Network is branded (i.e. there is a brand associated with the network and outlets operating as franchisees are affiliated with that brand). 

Only services that PSI is significantly involved in, as per PSI's policy on service delivery through partners, can be reported.

1 “Owner-operated” means that the outlet (i.e. franchisee) operates independently of PSI.  Owner-operated facilities may include those operating in the private, public, or NGO sector.

2 The mechanism of payment may vary and may include client out-of-pocket, voucher, third party insurance or other systems.

3 Additional, non-franchised products and services may also be offered.

4 Clinical services are defined as any healthcare practice that would, in an OECD country, require service by a nurse or other higher-level provider. Under this definition, for example, injections are considered clinical, even if franchise-supported community health workers or pharmacists provide them.

Service delivery partner

Meets criteria for significant involvement for service delivery but do not meet criteria for franchise membership. This could include service providers who do not operate out of health facilities such as community health workers.

The significant involvement criteria must be met for each product that is reported. See PSI's policy onservice delivery through partners for more information. 

PSI Direct service delivery

A facility that operates under PSI management thereby meeting criteria for significant involvement.

 Product Source  
 PSI Product Report the product under this category if the product passed through a PSI warehouse and thus was captured by the CTL/Lawson.  Reporting 'PSI Products' will prevent double-counting for health impact attribution for products that were already captured by CTL/Lawson.
 Non-PSI Product Report the product in this category if it did not pass through a PSI warehouse and thus was not captured by the CTL/Lawson
 Product Source Unknown Report the product in this category if you are not sure if it is a PSI product or a non-PSI product.  As a reminder, products reported under 'Product Source Unknown' cannot be counted for health impact attribution.
Channel Type 
Fixed Fixed refer to any facility that operates out of a fixed location
Outreach Outreach refers to any clinical service activity which is conducted outside of a fixed location. This could include mobile units, special event days, or other outreach events
Marital Status 
Single/ Never Married This category refers to clients who have never been married or are not currently in a relationship
Married/ In-union/ Living Together This category refers to clients who are currently married or in a partnership
Divorced/ Separated/ Widowed This category refers to clients who were previously married or in a partnership and are currently single.
Unknown This category refers to clients who's marital status is not known or those who do not wish to disclose this information
Age Categories 
These age categories vary across different health areas and are disaggregated to follow best reporting practices  
Males Individuals whose sex is male and who identify as male
Females Individuals whose sex is female and who identify as female
Females pregnant Individuals who identify as female who were pregnant at the time they received services
Females non-pregnant Individuals who identify as female who were not pregnant at the time they received services
Transgendered Individuals who self-identify as transgender
Urban and rural Country-level population registry will have country-specific definitions for how many people or less constitute as 'rural', and how many people or more constitute as 'urban'